The Triple E Effect: How Educating, Encouraging, and Empowering Shapes Student’s Futures

The Triple E Effect: How Educating, Encouraging, and Empowering Shapes Student’s FuturesThe Triple E Effect: How Educating, Encouraging, and Empowering Shapes Student’s Futures

By Jacqui Reedy, Site Director at Redwood @ Alcuin

Today, I’m thrilled to dive into Redwood’s innovative Triple E Curriculum (Educate, Encourage, Empower), designed to cater to our students' diverse social-emotional learning needs. This curriculum is an essential piece of Redwood’s Immersive Structured Literacy Summer Camps and will be integrated into daily lessons. But before we jump in, let me tell you a little secret—I'm a teacher with ADHD and this curriculum? It's right up my alley!

Traditional teaching methods often left me and students with similar diagnoses feeling like square pegs in round holes. But the Triple E Curriculum is a refreshing, evidence-based approach that embraces the dynamic nature of our brains and behaviors.

So, what’s all the buzz about? Let’s break it down.

Embracing Diversity: The Frostig Foundation

At the heart of Triple E lies the research from The Frostig Center, a beacon of knowledge for understanding the attributes that lead to student success, both inside and outside the classroom. Their groundbreaking 20-year longitudinal study identified six critical success attributes, which we've woven into the fabric of Triple E.

But here’s the thing—while Frostig’s insights are invaluable, we knew that to meet the needs of our students at Redwood truly, we had to think outside the box. That’s why we tapped into additional resources, like Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) and growth mindset theory, to enrich our curriculum and cater to our students' unique developmental needs.

Key Principles: Neuroplasticity and Beyond

Now, let’s talk about neuroplasticity—the brain’s remarkable ability to adapt and grow. As someone who thrives on variety and change, understanding that my brain is like a muscle that gets stronger with practice is empowering. Triple E educates students on this concept, teaching them that they can tackle even the most demanding challenges with perseverance and effort.

But that’s not all. We delve into executive functioning, helping students fine-tune their planning, focus, and impulse control — skills are invaluable in today's fast-paced world. Each day in the summer immersive students will have access to the critical components of Triple E.

The Power of Perspective: Thoughts, Feelings, and Behaviors

Have you heard the saying, “Change your thoughts, change your world”? Well, Triple E takes this mantra to heart. By exploring the intricate dance between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, students learn they hold the reins to their emotional well-being.

Take the growth mindset, for example. Shifting from “I can’t do this” to “I’m still learning” can work wonders for self-esteem and motivation. It’s all about rewiring those thought patterns to foster resilience and optimism.

But here’s the kicker — Triple E isn’t just confined to the classroom. With our At-Home Connections, parents and caregivers become integral partners in their child’s journey, reinforcing learning beyond the school walls.

Final Thoughts

As a teacher with ADHD, Triple E speaks to me on a deeply personal level. It’s not just about teaching content — it’s about fostering resilience, empowering self-discovery, and celebrating the beautifully diverse minds of our students. We are eager to unlock the potential of every learner in the summer immersive by taking them on a journey through the Triple E Curriculum. Trust me, it’s a ride they won’t want to miss!

To give your child the gift of Triple E, sign up for our Oak Park or Edgewater Immersive Structured Literacy Summer Camp.